The Impact of Mobility Solutions on Independence and Mental Well-being

As people get older, it’s common for them to become less mobile. There are countless medical problems and conditions that can cause a loss of mobility. Even with younger people there are many conditions that can make it more difficult to get around. When a person loses some of their mobility, it can cause a wide range of problems both physically and mentally. One of the things that people tend to value most is their independence, so it can be extremely upsetting to not be able to do as much for themselves and others. 

The mental and emotional effects of a loss of mobility can be extremely strong, and they can lead to further problems like depression. When people aren’t able to do as much as they used to, it often makes them feel hopeless and not to feel they have things to look forward to. With the use of mobility solutions, seniors and other people faced with mobility loss can get around far more easily. Mobility tools can have a lot of positive effects on people both mentally and physically. 

Mobility Loss

Mobility loss occurs when someone isn’t able to move the way they want and need to. It can limit the activities they can do. It can make it more challenging to do everything from standing up to using the bathroom to getting into a car. Mobility loss is the most common cause of disability in the elderly. It’s extremely common as people climb in age, and it may not be reversible. 

When a person isn’t able to do things for themselves such as stand up or get to the kitchen, the loss can be a serious challenge in their lives. When an elderly grandmother, 91, who is used to cooking and cleaning was no longer able to get around as she did before, she started to feel sad and angry. She also felt frustrated at the many things she wanted to do. This was very hard to handle emotionally. But with mobility tools, she was able to get up more easily so she could once again do what she needs to. She feels like she has more control over her life, and this has helped dispel some of the upset and anger she had before. 

Gaining Independence 

When people find that they are unable to walk by themselves, drive, eat, or get out as much, it can be debilitating. The mental toll it can take on people can exacerbate the physical symptoms by causing immobility. This often leads to a cycle of the condition getting worse. With the right mobility solutions, this cycle can be stopped. Gaining independence is often the biggest thing on people’s minds in these positions, and getting even a little more independence can have significant positive effects on their well-being.

Everyone wants independence. The reason people generally want more money is because it would give them more independence. The reasons why they start businesses and take on other responsibilities is often because they want to be more independent. It’s important for those who have lost their mobility to try the right tools and see how much independence they bring back. Anyone who has been depending on others for much of what they do will feel more confident when they can get around again. Independence can allow people to start doing the things they love again. 

Not being able to get out to see loved ones and be involved with the outside world can be extremely difficult for most people who experience it. With mobility solutions, people can get back out there and have more social time with others. It can also allow them to feel better about themselves because they can be involved in social activities. A loss of mobility can often cause embarrassment, but a mobility tool can get rid of this feeling and provide a boost of self-esteem. 

Making Mental Health a Priority

When a person gets to a state where they aren’t as independent, the focus may be on the person’s physical problems. Whether it’s a disease, an injury, a condition like arthritis, or any other cause for reduced mobility, that physicality is often what caregivers focus on. However, the patient’s mental health should be attended to just as much. It’s just as important as their physical health and it has just as much effect on them. 

Not being able to engage in social events can cause upset in many people, as can losing the ability to get out much. It’s important that these problems get taken care of to avoid the long-term sadness that may be diagnosed as depression. There are a number of important mobility tools that can be used to help people get up and do what they’d like. Never dismiss the mental and emotional part of losing mobility, or the effects can be devastating. 

Studies have been done on people who have lost mobility, and the findings are no surprise. The addition of transportation mobility was found to improve the quality of life of the people who used it. It also helps older people to get better social integration and to be in better health. It can help to keep a person from experiencing loneliness and feeling that they’re in social isolation. 

Another study found a three-pronged effect on mental well-being. First, this allowed older people to be able to keep social connections and get to destinations that help their physical and mental health. Second, it allows them to do more physical activity, and this also improves mental health and reduces stress. Third, it simply makes people feel better and more like their old selves. People tend to be happier when they can get more of their independence back. 

Social Engagement

There are a number of helpful mobility solutions that can help both inside and outside of the home to give patients back some of their lost independence. There are stairlifts that make it simple and easy for people to get up a staircase without having to climb a single step. There are also wheelchair lifts and scooter lifts that can help people to get where they need and want to go. There are wheelchair ramps to make it possible to get just about anywhere. Portable ramps can give a person access who had no hope of accessing a place before. 

One of the most important things that mobility tools can do for someone is to allow them to get to social occasions. Whether it’s having lunch with a friend or attending a function, being able to be there is important to everyone. Having regular social engagement is highly important for everyone’s mental health. Without it, people start to feel isolated and ashamed. They may dwell on everything they’re missing and end up with mental health problems. It can lead to a feeling of hopelessness and can bring down their self-esteem. With helpful mobility tools, they can get out to see friends, family, and anyone else when they need and want to. 

The Right Mobility Tools

Patient lifts can help people to stand up more easily. When it’s hard to stand up, everything can get more complicated. A patient lift gently raises a person up so that it takes much less effort to stand. This can allow them to get around their home with more independence. It can also make it possible for them to get into the car so they can engage with others and go to their appointments. 

There are also a number of bathroom modifications that can be made to help a disabled person to do what they need to in the bathroom with more ease and safety. These can include things like grab bars and walk-in bathtubs. Being unable to keep up with daily hygiene can be a highly depression prospect for anyone. More accessibility can give the person back some of their dignity. 

All of these mobility tools can have a positive effect on the outlook of a person with limited mobility. With the link between mobility and mental health being established through studies, it’s important to help a patient get as much mobility as possible. It may take two or more mobility solutions to help them function at their best. 

When people have better mental health, they are also better able to take care of themselves physically. They often see their new independence as something that encourages them to get more physical activity and to take care of any problems. 

Call Us for Mobility Solutions

When there’s someone in your life who has seen their mobility decrease, there may be tools that can help them significantly. To find the right mobility tools, it’s important to consider exactly what they need to be more mobile. Altamira can help with a wide variety of mobility tools that may help your loved one get around again for better mental and emotional well-being. 

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